Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Cyclone Tauktae hit western India in May 2021. It brought heavy rains and was a strong cyclone. The speed was almost 160 km per hour. It destroyed buildings. Thousands of people had to leave their homes and stayed in the shelter.
cyclone (暴風), Cyclone Tauktae (サイクロン・タウテ, 2021年5月に発生した大暴風), brought (bring運ぶ 過去形), heavy rain (大雨), per hour (時速), destroy (破壊する), thousands (何千), shelter (シェルター)
- When did Cyclone Tauktae hit India?
(いつサイクロン・タウテがインドに被害をもたらしましたか?) - What is a cyclone?
(サイクロンとは何ですか?) - How fast was the cyclone?
(そのサイクロンのスピードは時速何キロでしたか?) - How many people did they have to leave home?
(何人の人々が自宅を離れないといけませんか?) - What is your opinion?