Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Three men drove on ice for a moment. Suddenly the ice broke and the men managed to get out of the car on time. These men were in a car. They drove onto a frozen lake in Northeast China. The car sank. There were many people at the lake. They were at a fishing festival and they all watched this accident. They all moved their cars out of water.
for a moment (少しの間), manage (どうにかする), on time (間に合う), sank (sink 沈むの過去形)
- How many men were there in a car?
- For how long did they drive on the ice?
- What happened when the ice broke?
- Were there people at the lake?
- What were the people doing at the lake?
- What did the people do after they saw the accident?
- What is your opinion?