Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The city of Skopje in North Macedonia had high temperature at around 40C. The animals were feeling hot. Therefore, the zookeepers in the zoo cooled them by giving them blocks of ice. The blocks of ice had fresh fruit and vegetables like onions, apples and carrots and zucchini which were freshly prepared in zoo kitchen. Two giraffes named Casper and Floppy came to the zoo three years ago with this special treat in the summer season. These giraffes came from Africa. Though giraffes were used to the African heat, the zookeepers felt that it was best to cool them.
North Macedonia (北マケドニア共和国), zucchini (ズッキーニ), giraffe (キリン), treat (待遇), be used to (慣れている)
- Who gave the ice blocks to the giraffes in the zoo?
- Where is the zoo?
- What is the temperature in the summer at zoo?
- What were given to giraffes with ice block?
- Where are the giraffes from?
- What were the names of the two giraffes?
- Were the giraffes used to the hot temperature of Africa?
- Do you like summers or the winters? Why?
- What is your opinion?