The Italian Republic Day (イタリアの共和国記念日)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

The people of Italy celebrate their Republic Day every year on June 2nd. A military parade is held in Rome. Planes draw the Italian flag in the air.  The Italian Republic was founded in 1946 when World War 2 was finished. People enjoy a lot on this day.

celebrate (祝う), republic day (共和国記念日), held (hold開催する の過去分詞), found (始める)


  1. When was the Italian republic founded?
  2. When do they celebrate their Republic Day?
  3. Do you have a Republic Day? When is it celebrated?
    (日本にも共和国記念日はありますか? それはいつですか?)
  4. Have you been to Italy?
  5. What is your opinion?