Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There was a leopard on the roof of a house in Indian village. People were panicked and were scared. The leopard attacked a man who tried to move it. But the man was not injured. People captured alive the leopard after 12 hours. Population of Indian leopard is only around 13,000.
leopard (ヒョウ), village (村), be panicked (慌てる), be scared (恐れる), capture alive (生け捕りにする), population (生存数)
- Where was the leopard found?
(ヒョウはどこにいましたか?) - What did the leopard do when the man tried to move it?
(男性がそのヒョウを追い払おうとしたときに、ヒョウはどうしましたか?) - How long time was it taken to capture the leopard?
(ヒョウを捕まえるのにどれくらいの時間がかかりましたか?) - How many leopards are there in India?
(インドには何頭のヒョウが生息してますか?) - What is your opinion?