Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Bats are receiving a lot of attention recently because they are rumored to be the source of covid19, the virus that caused the coronavirus pandemic. But that is just part of the story. There are about 1300 kinds of bats in the world. They live in caves and forests. Bats are known as the miraculous creatures. They can live beyond 40 years, which makes them one of the longest life mammal. They can live beyond 40 years without cancer or infections. Those are giving us the useful information about how to do the same for ourselves. They have major roles in the rainforest – including for valuable crops such as bananas, mangos and guavas. They also disperse the seeds of hundreds of plants. Their various activities help maintain the balance of the ecosystem. They eat insects as same weight as their own bodyweight every night. Many of these are crop-destroying insects. We have to see the nature from the various angles.
rumor (うわさをする), miraculous (奇跡の), creature (生き物), mammal (哺乳類), disperse (散らかす)
- What virus comes bats?
- Where do they like to live?
- How many kinds of bat are there in the world?
- How long years can bat live?
- Why is bat miraculous?
- How do the bats make the balance of ecosystem?
- What is your opinion?