Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A mysterious object in space is blinking in a way astronomers have never seen before. A student from Australia first spotted a star in 2018. This star is releasing huge energy every 18 minutes. This star was collapsed from a huge star that exploded as a supernova. The blinking indicates that the object is probably spinning and other measurements of its light hint that it must have a powerful magnetic field. The scientists found out that this was a neutron star. People were surprised to see it. This was thought to be unusual. Scientists think that they might not find such stars any more. The stars were seen through a telescope. Examining this object can give us understanding the mechanism of death of the star.
blink (点滅する), astronomer (天文学者), spot (発見する), supernova (超新星=死に爆発した星), spine (回転する), measurement (観測), magnetic field (磁場), neutron star (中性子星)
- When was this star found?
- Who found the star?
- What did the scientists use to look at the stars?
- Why was the star believed to be unusual?
- How did the star form?
- Why do scientists think that the star is blinking?
- What does the star teach us by studying it?
- Have you seen a telescope?
- Do you like watching the stars at night? Why?
- What is your opinion?