Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
300,000 years-old human bones of skull and jaw were found in Morocco in north-western Africa. These were around 100,000 years older than previous remains. Most researchers had thought the origin of human in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. Finding suggests we didn’t evolve only in East Africa. They show how we have evolved. The brains of the remains were as big as ours, but they had a different shape. Some parts of the brains were not as developed. People say that humans years ago lived in caves. They hunted animals.
skull (頭蓋骨), jaw (あご), Morocco (モロッコ王国, 大西洋と地中海に面した北アフリカの国), remain (遺骨) , previous (前の) , evolve (進化する), cave (洞窟)
- Where were the human bones found?
- How much older were these bones than the previous remains?
- What did the people learn through these remains?
- How were the remains different from us? Explain.
- Where did the old human live?
- What is your opinion?