Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Ancient oak trees were born in a forest in England at around ad 1,100. These trees were special because such very old trees cannot be seen in one place in other place. The oak trees have been growing for about 920 years now. Kings used to hunt deer and being part of the Royal Forest so any woods in this forest could not be allowed to cut and bring out. In addition, the forest is located inside a palace and are protected in the palace’s walls. That is why it has been naturally preserved for so long time.
oak (樫), ad (西暦), Royal Forest (王族の森), palace (城), preserve (保存する)
- How many years have been these trees growing?
- Why were these trees special?
- Where were these trees grown?
- What did the king do inside the forest?
- Why could the oak trees be growing for so long time?
- What is your opinion?