Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The sky in Spain turned bright orange during Storm Celia, which brought dust from the Sahara Desert in March 2022. This enormous amount of dust came from North Africa and even reached parts of Northern Europe. The dust traveled 2,500 kilometers from Morocco and Algeria. It was said that sports should not be played outside during a strong storm. The storm was powerful and brought rain to Europe, which appeared orange due to the dust. Slopes and streets in France also turned orange, and people in Switzerland and Germany saw the orange sky as well. Scientists reported that the dust reached the UK as well. People had to wear masks and found it difficult to breathe.
Storm Celia (2022年に西ヨーロッパを襲ったセリア暴風雨), dust (砂ぼこり), Sahara Desert (サハラ砂漠, 北アフリカの世界一広大な砂漠), contain (含む)
- What moved the dust from the Sahara Desert?
- What color was the sky in Spain?
- Should sports be played outside during a strong storm?
- What did the scientists say?
- What happened to the slopes and streets in France?
- What did the people have to wear because of the dust?
- Was it easy for the people to breathe during the storm? Why?
- Can similar storm be seen in Japan?
- What is your opinion?