Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
It is said that 20% of total meat and fish is eaten by pet in the world. Some companies started to produce pet food from insects. Making pet food from insect is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Many people start to buy the pet food made from insect.
it is said that (と言われている), produce (製造する), insect (昆虫), sustainable (維持可能), environmentally friendly (環境負荷が低い)
- How much percent of meat and fish in the world is eaten by pet?
(全体の何パーセントの肉と魚をペットが消費してますか?) - Why did several companies start to produce pet food from insects?
(なぜ複数の企業が昆虫を原料としたペットフードを作っていますか?) - Is there the food made from insects in Japan?
(日本でも昆虫を原料とした食べ物はありますか?) - Have you ever eaten the food made from insects?
(今まで昆虫を材料とした食べ物を食べたことはありますか?) - What is your opinion?