Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Key U.S. animal food authority accepted black soldier fly larvae to use for animal food. It is estimated pet consume 20% of total meat and fish in the world. A British company established in 2019 introduced the first insect protein pet food sold in U.K. This company has shipped over 200 tons of its product to more than 200 countries and generate around $3 million. Several manufacturers in North America, Europe and other countries are trying to make pet food more sustainable and environmentally friendly by using the proteins from insects instead animals. During the pandemic, people has spent long time with their pets. Therefore, they did not bother to spend money on pet food.
black soldier fly larvae (ミズアブの幼虫), protein (タンパク質), bother (悩む)
- How much percent of meat and fish in the world is eaten by pet?
- What kind of food was a U.K. company selling?
- How much tons of pet food made from insects have the U.K. company shipped?
- Why did several companies start to produce pet food from insects?
- When did the humans spend the longer time with the pets?
- Did the people worry in spending on pet food?
- Do you have a pet? How much do you spend on its food?
- Is there the food made from insects in Japan?
- Have you ever eaten the food made from insects?
- What is your opinion?