Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Two Chinese pandas lived together in the zoo in China. After one panda was taken away to another zoo, the other panda, Sijia, was disturbed and was not eating well. Instead of getting another panda as a friend, the people got a TV. The panda enjoyed watching TV. She eats bamboo as she watches TV. The panda plays on the swing when she watches TV as well.
disturb (不安にする), swing (ブランコ)
- How many pandas used to be there in the zoo?
- What was one of the panda’s name?
- Why was the panda disturbed?
- What did the zoo people get in place of a friend?
- What does the panda do while watching TV?
- What does the panda play on?
- Have you ever seen panda? Where?
- What is your opinion?