Sand bottles (砂のボトル)- Level 2

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

All the glasses ended up in landfills in Louisiana, US and were not recycled. Franziska Trautman and her friend wanted to turn glass into sand. The people of Louisiana gave money to them to buy a machine. This machine crushed the glass and removed metal, paper and plastic pieces. This sand was then used by the people for sandbags, floors or to help the coast. They got this idea by knowing that the coastline eroded in Louisiana. To make this better, both the friends started to recycle glass bottles.

end up in (で終わる), landfill (ごみ処理場),  remove (取り除く), sandbag (砂袋), coast (海岸), erode (侵食する), to make this better (それを良くするために)


  1. Who get an idea to recycle bottles?
  2. Why did the friends come up with the idea of recycling glass bottles?
  3. What did the people give them to buy the machine?
  4. What was taken out of the machine?
  5. What was the sand used for?
  6. Were the glasses in Louisiana recycled
  7. What is the meaning of “erode”?
  8. What is your opinion?