Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
We need to help animals that are in danger. One such incident was when a bear climbed the electric pole and got stuck on a power line in Arizona, US. The electricity maintenance company helped the bear to get down. The workers climbed by a bucket lift to encourage the bear down with a fiberglass stick. The bear bit it and slowly got down. Luckily the bear was saved. This incident was seen second time in the same month. They say that we need to be caring towards all animals.
bucket lift (作業員が入る籠型リフト), stick (長い棒), bit (bite噛む の過去形)
- Where could not the bear get down?
- Who was called to help the bear?
- Where was this incident seen?
- How did the workers help the bear to get down?
- How many times this incident happen in a month?
- What does the company people say?
- Do similar incidents happen in Japan?
- Why should we be careful near a power line?
- What is your opinion?