Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The world’s largest flower, titum arum, in Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium is well known. The titum is known not only for its gigantic size but for its stinky smell. The flower smells terrible. It has stinky flower that open only for two days. These flowers take almost 3 to 10 years to bloom. There is a rotten meat smell from the flowers. Insects get attracted to it. Although the flowers smell bad, people still smell them. These flowers are known for their foul smell. The plant is also special because it faces the risk of extinction in the natural habitat in the tropical rainforest of Sumatra due to deforestation.
stinky (くさい), rotten (腐った), foul (悪臭のある), habitat (生息地), deforestation (森林伐採)
- Why is the flower famous?
- Where does this flower grow?
- How many days do the flowers open?
- How long does this flower take to grow?
- Have you seen such flowers?
- Would you smell a stinky flower? Why?
- Which risk do the plants face?
- What is your opinion?