Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A statue of Christ was studied by experts in Mexico. The statue was x-rayed and what was found inside was human teeth. This was unusual because people used to donate their hair and clothes for the statues in the 18th century. This made the statues look real.
statue (像), study (研究する), x-rayed (X線を照射する), found (find見つける の過去分詞), inside (内部に), human (人の), teeth (歯), unusual (普通じゃない), used to (したものだ), donate (寄付する), cloth (服), look real (本物に見える)
- What was found in the statue?
(像の中に何が見つかりましたか?) - Whose statue was it?
(誰の像ですか?) - How was the statue studied?
(どうやって像は調べられましたか?) - What did people donate in the 18th century?
(18世紀の人々は何を寄贈しましたか?) - What is your opinion?