The Surfing Pig (サーフィンをするブタ) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A Hawaiian man, Holt, had a baby pig named Kama. They were at a pool side and Kama slipped and fell in it. Kama is not afraid of the water and starts to swim. Later, both Holt and Kama start to surf together. People laugh and smile to see it.

fell (fall落ちる の過去形), be afraid (こわがる), later (後日), surf (サーフィンをする), ride on (乗る)


  1. Where are Kama and Holt living?
    (Kama とHoltはどこに住んでますか?)
  2. Can Kama swim?
  3. Who are surfing?
  4. How did the people react on seeing Hold and Kama surfed?
  5. What is your opinion?