Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There were 137 tigers in a Buddhist temple in Thailand. It was well known as Tiger Temple. The temple had many tourist visitors. These tourists wanted to see the tigers. Official said that the temple would close. This is because the tigers were treated badly. They accused the temple of maltreating the tigers. The temple was also connected to the illegal trade of wildlife. Due to this, an investigation was done into the temple. More than 500 officers from Thailand Department of National Parks came to the temple to investigate everything in the premises. Finally, all 137 tigers were taken by authority.
official (役人), accuse (告発する), maltreating (不正に扱う), premise (敷地)
- Where was the Buddhist temple?
- How many tigers were there at the temple?
- Who came to see the tigers at the temple?
- Why did the official do an investigation on the temple?
- How many officers did they investigate into the temple?
- What finally happened?
- What is your opinion?