Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A Buddhist temple in Thailand, known as Tiger Temple, was home to 137 tigers and attracted many tourists who came to see them. However, the temple was forced to close by government authorities. It was accused of maltreating the tigers and being involved in the illegal trade of wildlife. As a result, an investigation was conducted. More than 500 officers from the Thailand Department of National Parks came to the temple to investigate the premises. The investigation was prompted by suspicions of wildlife trading and illegal breeding. The monks of the temple denied any wrongdoing, but ultimately, all 137 tigers were confiscated.
accuse (告発する), maltreating (不正に扱う), premise (敷地), breeding (飼育), monk (僧侶), impropriety (間違い), confiscate (接収する)
- Where was the Buddhist temple?
- How many tigers were there at the temple?
- Who came to see the tigers at the temple?
- Why did the official conduct an investigation into the temple?
- How many officers did they investigate into the temple?
- What finally happened?
- Have you seen similar case before in Japan?
- What is your opinion?