Too many Mice (大量のネズミ)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

There are too many problems for farmers in Australia. Floods are seen in a few areas. In other places, wildfires destroy forest and homes. It is very difficult to put out the wildfire. Too many mice have become a problem recently. These mice destroy crops and farmers do not know what to do.

farmer (農民), flood (洪水), wildfire (自然に発生する山火事), put out (消火をする), mice (mouseネズミ の複数形), crops (作物), what to do (対策)


  1. What are the three problems for farmers in Australia?
  2. Are wildfires easy to put out?
  3. Why do many mice become problem?
  4. Have you seen a lot of mice? Where?
  5. What is your opinion?