Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Sea turtle eggs were taken by the poachers from the sand at the beach in Costa Rica, Central America. They sold these eggs to buyers. It is against the law. Scientist team put fake eggs in beaches. Those fake eggs had GPS system. Five fake eggs were taken by the poachers. Police could find the poachers by GPS.
turtle (カメ), poacher (密猟者), Costa Rica (コスタリカ共和国,中南米の国), against the law (法に反する), fake (ニセの)
- Where did the poachers take sea turtle eggs?
(密猟者はどこでウミガメの卵を採取しましたか?) - Who made the fake eggs?
(誰がニセの卵を作りましたか?) - Why were fake eggs made?
(なぜニセの卵は作られましたか?) - What could the police do by using the fake eggs?
(警察はニセの卵を利用して何が可能になりましたか?) - What is your opinion?