Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Sea turtle eggs are frequently poached from Costa Rican beaches, Central America. Trade of sea turtle egg is prohibited in Costa Rica. Therefore, police asked scientist team to capture the trade root of the eggs. Scientist team deployed around a hundred of the fake eggs in sea turtle nests across four beaches in Costa Rica and waited. The eggs were made to look realistic. Each eggs contained a GPS devise to enable scientists to track the location of the eggs and those gave information of their locations to team’s smartphone every one hour. Five of the deployed eggs were taken by the poachers. Those revealed the complete trade chain from the beach to the buyers. It was seen that some of the eggs were taken to a supermarket as well.
poach (密猟する), Costa Rica (コスタリカ共和国,中南米の国), capture (把握する), deploy (配備する), enable to (出来る様にする), poacher (密猟者), reveal (明らかにする)
- Where did the poachers take sea turtle eggs?
- Is the trade of sea turtle egg allowed in Costa Rica?
- Who made the fake eggs?
- Why were fake eggs made?
- What could scientist team do by using the fake eggs?
- How were the eggs tracked?
- Do you think that the GPS system was a best idea?
- What is your opinion?