Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
In a Dallas Zoo, in Texas US, a Gorilla is famous for his online videos as he dances and play in the pool. He is a happy and playful Gorilla. The zookeepers keep the animals happy. All this was captured by the zookeeper.
famous for ~ (~で有名な), online video (YouTubeなどインターネット上の動画), playful (陽気な), zookeeper (動物園の飼育員), keep ~ happy (幸せな状態を維持する), capture (撮影する)
- Why was the Gorilla famous?
(なぜゴリラは有名なのですか?) - Was the Gorilla happy?
(ゴリラは幸せですか?) - Have you seen a Gorilla before?
(あなたはゴリラを見たことがありますか?) - What is your opinion?