Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A video of a male Gorilla, in Dallas Zoo in Texas US, was taken by a zookeeper. He was amongst the four zoo’s group of male gorillas. The movement of the Gorilla was explained by the zookeeper. The Gorilla looks happy and playful. The Gorilla danced and played in the pool. The pool was the best part of the zoo as it made the primate happy in the zoo. The act of the Gorilla made it famous. The videos of the Gorilla went online. All animals were kept happy in the zoo. They were well taken care of.
playful (陽気な), primate (霊長類)
- What were the two activities of the Gorilla done?
- Why was the Gorilla famous?
- Was the Gorilla happy?
- How many male gorillas were there in the zoo?
- What was the best part of the zoo?
- What is the meaning of primates?
- Would you like to visit this zoo?
- What is your opinion?