Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Ian Bowman left his house early one morning in 2014 in New Jersey, US. He went for a walk. While walking, he saw something strange. He saw a bear named Pedals walking on its hind legs like a human because its front legs were injured. He quickly took a video of the bear. Later, the video was uploaded online, and many people watched it, making the bear famous. Many people then saw Pedals walking in the woods. More than 300,000 people signed a petition asking the government to move Pedals to a wildlife center in New York because they were worried about his survival. However, officials in New York said no to moving Pedals. Sadly, Pedals was shot by a hunter and died in 2016.
upright (直立で), hind (後ろの), due to (の理由で), injury (怪我), casually (偶然に), orphaned (孤児の), concern (心配する)
- What was the name of the man who found a special bear?
- When did the man leave his home?
- What was the man doing early morning?
- What did the man see in the morning?
- Where did the man upload the video?
- What happened when the man uploaded the video?
- Why and when did Pedals die?
- What is your opinion?