Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A restaurant in north Bangkok, Thailand is near Chao Phraya River. The water level in the river goes up because of climate change. The floor of restaurant is always wet. But owner of restaurant did not close the restaurant. The restaurant became famous because the people enjoy the thrill of wave from river.
Chao Phraya River (チャオプラヤ川, バンコクなどを中心に流れる河川), water level (水位), because of (の理由で), climate change (気候変動), owner (オーナー), thrill (スリル)
- Where is the restaurant?
(レストランはどこにありますか?) - Why does the water level of the river go up?
(なぜ川の水位が上がったのですか?) - Did the owner close the restaurant when the water level went up?
(オーナーは川の水位が上がった時にレストランを閉めましたか?) - Why did the restaurant become famous?
(なぜレストランは有名になりましたか?) - What is your opinion?