Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A riverside restaurant in Thailand has become famous on the internet. Chao Phraya Antique Café, located in north Bangkok, is a side of Chao Phraya River. The water in the river has been rising due to climate change and the floor is always wet. However, the owner did not close the restaurant. This place has a special atmosphere. People enjoy to watch the sunset scenery from the restaurant and enjoy the thrill of waves created by passing boats. Customers enjoy the barbecue pork as well. The owner said tough situation had turned crisis into the opportunity.
Chao Phraya River (チャオプラヤ川, バンコクなどを中心に流れる河川), due to (の理由で), climate change (気候変動), owner (オーナー), atmosphere (雰囲気), scenery (景色), thrill (スリル), tough (厳しい), crisis (危機)
- Where is the restaurant?
- Why did the water in the river rise?
- Did the owner close the restaurant when the water level rose?
- What do people do at the restaurant?
- Have you heard of this place?
- What is your opinion?