Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Sixteen photographs were taken by Joseph Nicephore who was born in France in 1765. He took sixteen photographs and three are now kept in the museum. The photographs needed an exposure of about eight hours. These photographs were taken in 1827. The photos were exposed by using chemicals on metal plates to light. This was called as heliography. This man was the first person to take a photograph. His first photograph shows a view from a window of his house in Burgundy.
Joseph Nicephore (ジョゼフ・ニセフォール,写真技術の先駆者), exposure (さらす), heliography (日光信号), Burgundy (フランスの南東部ブルゴーニュ地方)
- When was Joseph Nicephore born?
- Where was he from?
- How many photos were taken in all?
- How many photos were kept in the museum?
- How were the photographs taken?
- Where was his first photograph taken?
- Do you like taking photos? Why?
- What is your opinion?