Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Africa is helped by international organizations. They give food to the African people and Ukrainian refugees. Due to the war in Ukraine, price of food became higher. Food like peanuts, oil, dry milk and other things were given by the organization and price of those products also has been increased.
organization (組織), refugee (難民), due to (により), dry milk (乾燥ミルク), product (製品), be increased (増加する)
- Who helps African people?
(誰かアフリカの人々を支援してますか?) - Which food is given to the African people and Ukrainian refugees?
(どの様な食品をアフリカ人及びウクライナ難民に援助してますか?) - What was the main cause for the food price to become higher?(食品価格上昇の主要な理由は何ですか?)
- What is your opinion?