Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A man was taken away to the sea. He swam and finally came back alive The man was disabled. Somehow he got to the island of Tongatapu which is 13 kilometers from his home island. A tsunami occurred when a volcano in Tonga suddenly erupted at sea in December 2021. A man was alone on the beach. Lisala Folau was 57 years old and lives on this island of Atata in Tonga. This island is 50 kilometers away from a volcano. He spent more than 27 hours in the sea.
somehow (どうにかして)
- Why did the tsunami occur?
- Why was the man in the sea?
- How old was he when waves took him?
- How much hours did he take to reach to the beach?
- Which island did he reach?
- What would you have done if this incident happened to you?
- Have you been affected by the tsunami?
- What is your opinion?