The Tank with gold (金塊を積んだ戦車)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A tank collector in the United Kingdom got a tank on the internet. He found gold bars of 2.4 million dollars inside. The tank was owned by Iraqi army. People think Iraqi soldiers stole and hid the gold bar when they attacked Kuwait in 1990. They called the police and the gold was taken by police.

tank (戦車), collector (収集家), found (find見つける の過去形), gold bar (金の延べ棒), own (所有する), Iraqi (イラクの), soldier (兵隊), stole (steal盗む の過去形), hid (hide隠す の過去形),  Kuwait (クウェート)


  1. Who got the tank on the internet?
  2. How much is the gold bars found in the tank?
  3. Who owned the tank in the past?
  4. What does people think why the gold bars were found in the tank?
  5. What is your opinion?