The Amazing Robot (すばらしいロボット)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A big robot that can lift things up to 40 kilograms is used by a Japanese railway company to fix a railway line. This robot has two hands and is on a crane. The robot is controlled remotely by a person who has a VR headset. As of now, the robot helps only a few places in Japan.

lift (持ち上げる), thing (物), up to ~(~まで), railway (線路), line (送電線), fix (修理をする), crane (クレーン), remotely (遠隔で), VR (ヴァーチャルリアリティ), as of now (現時点では), a few (いくつかの)


  1. How many kilograms can the robot lift?
  2. Who controls the robot?
  3. What does the robot fix?
  4. What is your opinion?