Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Apple computers are collected by a person named Jimmy Grewal. He is one of the most prominent collectors in the world. He lives in Dubai. He has a collection of about 200 computers which covers the first 30 years of Apple’s history started from 1976. “I try to get two Apple’s rare computers like Apple-1 in my collection. Then, I always restore both and sell one to add further investments in my collection” he told. He could sell the rare model, Apple-1, to Co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Wozniak, via eBay and got US$340,000.
prominent (著名な), rare (希少な), restore (修復する), via (を通して)
- Who collects computers?
- What does Jimmy collect?
- How does Jimmy get the other models?
- Were all the computers gotten by him in good condition?
- How much amount could he get by selling Apple-1?
- Who got Apple-1 from Jimmy via eBay?
- What is your opinion?