A Cake Making Machine (ケーキ製造機)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

In order to help a children’s hospital, an England bakery makes a big cake that looks like a cake making machine.  All parts of the cake making machine are the parts of a big cake and those can be eaten. 2000 people can eat this cake. This big cake is displayed in the hospital and many people enjoy to see.

in order to ~(~のために), bakery (パン屋), look like ~(~に見える), eaten (eatの過去分詞), display (展示する)


  1. Where was the bakery?
  2. How did the cake look like?
  3. How many people can eat this cake?
  4. What is your opinion?