Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Women had to cover their faces outside of the home. Taliban took power again in 2021 August. This rule came back. More rules were made by the Taliban against women’s rights. Women are asking for their basic human rights.
Taliban (タリバン, アフガニスタンを実効支配するイスラム主義組織), rule (統治する), take power (権力を取り戻す), come back (再び戻る), right (権利)
- What was the time period when women covered their faces?
(女性は外で顔を隠さないといけなかった時期はいつですか?) - When did Taliban take power again?
(タリバンはいつ権力を取り戻しましたか?) - What do women ask for?
(女性たちは何を嘆願してますか?) - What is your opinion?