Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
An Egyptian designed a dress with QR code. The code was put on the sleeve of the dress. This dress was used by tourists who can use their phones to read the code. By doing this, they can get information of the museums, mosques, and pyramids of Egypt. They can travel without a guide. Tourists visit Egypt from all over the world. This dress is very useful for them.
sleeve (袖), tourist (旅行者), mosque (モスク), useful (価値がある)
- Where was the QR code seen on the dress?
(QR コードは服のどこに付いてますか?) - Why was the dress special?
(なぜこのドレスは特別なのですか?) - Why was it useful to the tourists?
(なぜこの服は旅行者にとって価値があるのですか?) - Have you ever been to Egypt? if not, do you want to travel?
(あなたはエジプトを訪れたことがありますか? もし無ければ、行きたいですか?) - What is your opinion?