Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, was founded in the 16th century at an altitude of 2,850m. In 1809, the citizens of Quito rebelled and declared their independence from Spain. Quito celebrates the festival of lights. This is celebrated as a declaration of independence from Spanish colonial rule. Two million people come to see the city. The cultural secretary said that there were 19 artistic installations. These artists were a combination of French and Ecuadorian artists. This year is the 40th anniversary of the city as a World Heritage Site. People enjoy the lights as it brings beauty to the city.
Quito (キート,南米エクアドルの首都), altitude (海抜), rebel (反乱を起こす), declare (宣言する), colonial rule (植民地支配), cultural secretary (文化大臣), installation (設置), anniversary (周年)
- What does the city of Quito celebrate?
- What is the altitude of Quito?
- How many people come to see the lights?
- How many installations were seen?
- What combination of the artists took part in the installations?
- From whom did Ecuador get its independence?
- Do you celebrate Independence Day in Japan?
- What is your opinion?