New method of cremation (新しい葬り方)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A US company, Natural Funeral, provide water cremation. Body is changed to ash by water and small amount of alkali material. Water cremation is nature friendly because it doesn’t make any carbon emissions. Ash made from water cremation is organic and it helps the plants grow.

funeral (葬儀), water cremation (水葬), ash (灰), amount (量), alkali (アルカリ), material (物質), nature friendly (自然に優しい), carbon emission (二酸化炭素排出), organic (有機性物質), plant grow (植物が育つ)


  1. Which company provides water cremation?
  2. What is used for water cremation?
  3. Why is water cremation nature friendly?
  4. Is ash made from water cremation good for plant?
  5. What is your opinion?