A phone that can be opened (開く携帯電話)-Level 2

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

The Mate X is a high-end Android-based smartphone with an excellent camera system produced by Huawei. The Mate X was launched in China in November 2019. It was released in global markets outside China in March 2020. The phone opens and closes like a book. When the phone is opened, we can use two applications at the same time. This phone is three times more expensive than a normal smartphone. People love the phone but its price is quite high. It costs around $2,000. Hence, not everybody can afford it.

Huawei (ファーウェイ), launch (販売を開始する)


  1. What is the name of the phone?
  2. Which company produced the phone?
  3. What is the phone like?
  4. When was the phone released in the market outside China?
  5. How expensive is the phone?
  6. What is your opinion?