Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A Japanese artist, Nobumichi Asai, shows films on the faces of people. The film was projected in a 3D form. This technology is called 3D projection-mapping. The film showed Japanese culture, technology and animation. It is new style of art and really fascinating.
show (映す), project (投影する), in a 3D form (3次元で), technology (テクノロジー), style (形式), fascinating (魅力的)
- Where were the films projected on?
(どこに映像が投影されますか?) - Who started projecting films on faces?
(誰が顔への映像投影を始めましたか?) - What does he project on the peoples face?
(彼は顔へ何を投影しましたか?) - Have you seen a film being shown on a face?
(あなたは顔への映像投影を見たことがありますか?) - What is your opinion?