Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Instagram has more than 1 billion users worldwide. Girls take selfies of themselves and edit them and post them. However, the other girls think they look bad. A study of teenagers in the UK and the US said more than 40% of Instagram users felt “they are unattractive” while using the app. Instagram has a deeper effect on teenage girls because it focused more on body and lifestyle compared with other apps like TikTok or Facebook. Researchers says many Instagram users suffer mental health issues like eating disorders or depression.
billion (10億), unattractive (魅力的でない), deeper effect (より深い影響), suffer (苦しむ), eating disorder (拒食症), depression (うつ)
- Who uses Instagram the most?
- Why are teenage girls having mental problems?
- Which type of mental problem do they suffer?
- Do you use Instagram? Why?
- Are these problems faced with teenagers in Japan also?
- What is your opinion?